Physical Health Focus
Navigation - Coordination - Guidance
Assessment & Integrated Understanding
We first take a deep dive into the status of your physical health. What are you physically experiencing that is not working for you? What do you think is the main cause? What is your body doing, that you no longer want to experience? What isn't your body doing that you wish it could?
While focused on your Physical Health, we also look at your upbringing, your current lifestyle habits, your social connections, self beliefs, resource limitations & more.
A Results-Driven Method
TIRO helps you design clear goals & a future for yourself. With a minimum of 1-2 hours of 1-on-1 coaching each week, you are offered additional material for reading, viewing, listening & exploring that aid in your understanding of your body's health to make empowered choices for yourself.
Your program is designed to surround you with the opportunities & elements needed to build resiliency tools & thrive through your process of change.
A Plan You Can Stick To
Your personal & unique Physical Health based program is sectioned into pockets of growth. You will have a clear vision & direction of the necessary steps to take every week to reach your Physical Health goals that will improve every section of your life.
Guidance, support & adjustments are made each week in your coaching sessions for you to stay focused and confident in your progress.
Tracking Success
Through tracking the relief & positive changes in your symptoms, ailments & life as a whole, you will be able to see & feel what parts of the program are helping you most. Your TIRO program morphs & grows with you to maximize your success, helping you determine & measure your improved holistic health & wellness in reference to your ideal outcome.
Program Cost
/month +gst
All TIRO programs incorporate the holistic health needs of a person. We look at the ecosystem of your life to determine the nonfunctional elements wreaking havoc on your health & well being.
What We Cover
Your Relationship With Your Body
Chronic Symptoms
Acute Symptoms
Cyclical Injuries
Your Somatic Awareness
Physically Locked Trauma
Body Shame & Empowerment
Functional Movement
Weight Management
Moving in the Ways You Love
Setting Goals for Strength or Capability
Pushing Beyond Perceived Limits
Sexual Health & Fulfillment
Self care
Health-Span Vs. Life-Span (Wellness in Aging)
Activity & Exercise that Suits YOU
Creating the Habit of a Health Focused Lifestyle
Increased Energy & Daily Endurance
How Your Upbringing Informs Your Current Physical Health
Genetics & Epigenetics