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White Pills


Holistic Health


Trauma Informed Resiliency Oriented Practice


A Unified Approach to Mental & Physical Health

Wellness Navigation - Health Coordination - Holistic Guidance

Julia is Certified in the Science of Physical & Mental Health Care 

…As well as the Spiritual Healing that needs to go along with it

For True Holistic Healing

Certified Transformation Specialist
Certified Nutrition Coach
Community Support Worker
Addictions Recovery Worker
Certified Personal Trainer
Level 2 Reiki Practitioner


Specialized in Trauma Informed Resiliency Coaching

Book Your First 1 Hour Consult with Julia Today






Our physical health is not separate from our mental health.  Our surrounding environment (community, home, relationships, nutrition) INFORMS our internal environment (physiology, hormones, thoughts, experiences.)

Humans are a living organism & we are a complex species.  Our physical health & our mental health are interwoven and interdependent.  They affect each other.

When we experience trauma & stress (acute or chronic) it shows up in our body. 


Our emotional dis-ease becomes our physical disease. 


If we wish to heal our bodies, we must approach the recovery with consideration of the WHOLE person.  When we offer care & healing we must incorporate the ecosystem of a person's entire life:

past trauma, current stressors, relationships, epigenetics, coping strategies, resource access, nutrition, activity levels, daily habits, lifestyle choices & tools for thriving.

Studies have been proving this for decades.  Our current health care system struggles to incorporate this science into best practice & policy standards for us in Canada.

Here at TIRO

This is what we do.

Team Meeting


Trauma-Informed Resiliency-Oriented Holistic Health training for Not for Profit Organizations & Healthcare staff

Unique workshops designed specifically for your

service users & your team's needs

Are you seeking a holistic approach to your healing?

All Holistic Health Packages with TIRO address every aspect of your health.  If you feel you need a over-all focus, check out our Balance Package.

If you feel your needs are focused in a certain section of your health, read more below.

Practical Tools & Community Resource Navigation

Despite the tsunami of scientific research that supports alternative healthcare practices, we are bombarded with pharmaceutical & invasive recovery options - with no trauma informed, community based care suggestions.  “It takes a village ...”  Social support, community & spiritual wellbeing are at the core of all healing.  Julia holds a Double Diploma as a Community Support Worker & Addictions Recovery Worker.  She is trained in basic counseling & psychology, sociology, community resource navigation, addiction recovery for both substances & behaviors, patient self-advocacy and more.  Julia has battled both the medical and mental health care system in BC during her own recovery journey.  Through both personal experience and training she is an endless wealth of knowledge for the hidden gems needed to recover, heal & learn to finally begin Thriving in our own lives, in our own way, along our own unique path.

Green Goodness


South Beach Diet?  Low Carb?  Keto?  Intermittent Fasting?  Intuitive Eating?  What about supplements?  Which one is the right nutrition plan for you?  As a Certified Nutrition Coach, Julia can help you not only identify which nutritional lifestyle is best for your unique health needs, she can also help you dig deep into your relationship with food, adjust your habits & build better future practices, undoing years of not only environmental toxins, but toxic behavior in your relationship with eating.  The food we eat affects our hormones, moods, energy levels, thinking clarity, inflammation, sleeping habits, our ability to heal or repair & so much more.  Julia can show you how to take charge of how you nourish yourself to make massive shifts in your life.

Moving Your Body

Building muscle, dancing, being in the water, meditation, running, crossfit, just being functional!  There are so many ways to use, enjoy & embrace our bodies.  Julia is a Certified Personal Trainer & Group Fitness Trainer.  She has been an athlete all her life with a background in team sports (soccer & ice hockey,) long distance running, alpine hiking, boxing, Brazilian jiu jitsu, bodybuilding & more.  She is currently working on her Yoga Instructor Certification & specializes in helping people build the mind-body connection necessary for true holistic healing.  She can teach you that how you move, use & feel your body on this earth not only informs but can enhance the experience of your life.

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Spiritual & Personal Growth

Mind, Soul, Emotional History, Trauma, Resiliency, Habits, Behavior - all so intangible…How do we know if we’re getting ‘better’?  How come we eat all of the perfect foods & do all of the exercise & still feel terrible?  Or lost?  Or angry?  Or we’ve seen all the doctors & natural paths but we still can’t figure out our physical ailments & symptoms?  We need to go deeper.  Certified as a Transformation Specialist, Julia is trained in Neuro Linguistic Programming, Motivational Interviewing & Cognitive Behavior Change.  This is only in addition to her natural gifts as a coach, helping people make substantial shifts in their inner healing through trauma-informed support & teaching core resiliency life skills that are often underdeveloped from low nurture upbringings & adverse childhood experiences.  Julia is also a Level 2 Reiki Practitioner, believing deeply in energy shifting for healing, with multiple of her mentors labeling her as a Medical Intuitive.

Pregnancy & Postpartum Health Coaching

Julia is PASSIONATE about all things pregnancy.  After a home birth with a midwife for her own daughter, Julia has also been a surrogate - twice!  Her first surrogacy was a healthy little girl for an LGBTQ+ couple in France.  She is currently in her second for a traditional, dual citizen Chinese/Canadian couple only 2 years later.  Julia has found a huge community of amazing women who devote their lives, bodies, health & time to helping people complete the dream of becoming parents or growing their families in the face of fertility struggles or difficult & unique circumstances.  She focuses her expertise to supporting women in ALL things pregnancy.  She will walk alongside you in your journey, from optimizing your body to carry, all the way through recovery & regaining your autonomous health afterwards.  Julia builds fitness & nutrition programs unique to each woman’s pregnancy & becomes the loving, supportive spiritual guide every woman needs for this powerful, maternal, goddess experience.

Global Access

TIRO is a global gift. 

No matter where you are located and no matter your time zone, TIRO services operate entirely online through video calls - meaning you - yes YOU - have access to Trauma Informed Resiliency Oriented Holistic Healing.

Trauma Informed Resiliency Workshops can be delivered in-person Canada wide. Connect with Julia to book your team's powerful shift in social wellness.


Reach In

Kingston, Ontario



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